100% clogged arteries; natural bypass
I am 80. For last 10 years I had angina pain, sometimes while walking. My lipid profile was also beyond normal range.
I did not take statin. I continued with my daily routine and walked in the hills, where I live.
Tread Mill Test ( TMT) done this year was found positive. TMT was done for eight and half minutes. Last lap was run at 9km/hour. An angiography was done. I was told that all 3 arteries were 100% blocked. Stents could not be used and bypass was not recommended because there was a jungle of collateral vessels supplying blood to heart. Cardiac Surgeon said bypass was risky because it would amount to cutting all collateral vessels and even if surgery was done improvement might be just 5 to 10%. Echo Cardiogram showed that heart muscles were normal.
I am living with clogged arteries and doing my routine activity without difficulty. Yes, I am taking medication. My BP is in range of 110/70to 130/85. After taking Ayurvedic treatment for colon cleansing, my Lipid Profile came well within normal range. No statin was prescribed but food recommended was with low cholesterol values.
Proper diet and exercise is safe way to keep healthy heart . Yet as a preventive measure one can take herbal capsules on regular basis to control cholesterol and clogging of arteries.In addition there is herbal formulation which works like a tonic to keep all body organs in a healthy state.
I can be contacted at shukla.murli@gmail.com